FIFA CORP is a Puerto Rico company, located in CARR 65TH INF KM 1.0; RIO PIEDRAS. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: FIFA CORPCountry: Puerto RicoAddress: CARR 65TH INF KM 1.0; RIO PIEDRASInternational Area Code: 1809Phone: 787-763-6840 (+1809-787-763-6840)Category Activities: AUTOMOBILE PARTS and SUPPLIES-RETAIL-NEWArea: RIO PIEDRASIndustry: AUTOMOBILE PARTS and SUPPLIES-RETAIL-NEW More Links FERNANDEZ TONITO PIEZAS MAZDA FIEBRU AUTO ACCESSORIES INC FIFA CORP FILIBERTO PEREZ SIERRA FLA-LILL CLUTCH SVC ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments