ALFONZO FERRAN REGINO is a Puerto Rico company, located in CARR 190 KM 3.8; CAROLINA. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: ALFONZO FERRAN REGINOCountry: Puerto RicoAddress: CARR 190 KM 3.8; CAROLINAInternational Area Code: 1809Phone: 787-257-7420 (+1809-787-257-7420)Category Activities: AUTOMOBILE BODY-REPAIRING and PAINTINGArea: CarolinaIndustry: AUTOMOBILE BODY-REPAIRING and PAINTING More Links ALAMO AUTO COLLISION ALCOBA HOJALATERIA & PINTURA ALFONZO FERRAN REGINO ALVAREZ ADORNO ARNALDO AMERICAN SERVICES PARTS INC ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments